Caterina Pacialeo and Noella Lopez on Elements Series

Caterina Pacialeo and Noella Lopez on Elements Series


Elements Series Reviewed by Noella Lopez

Caterina’s “environmental portraits” as she describes them enter a deeper dimension with the body of work ‘Elements’. These beautiful landscapes are deep and insightful in their representation of the connection between the body and the elements. Caterina introduces the human figure in communion with the elements as a deep meditation, transcending time and space. The essence is still, peaceful, a pose captured in the midst of a thoughtful movement, in a flux. Caterina believes that each element is an extension of our being, that the body is itself the space within the space, filling the space endlessly. As in her previous photographic series, Caterina invites the viewer to engage in and appreciate the images and venture deeper. These photographs are beautiful and a wonderful opportunity to acquire her latest artworks.

Noella Lopez 2014


Elements Series by Caterina Pacialeo

A series of images that belong to a body of work titled ‘Elements'. These images make reference to the four seasons, all photographed within the landscape of native Australia in context and in season.

A research and journey into a limitless substance, energy that all is one and one is all... In Air, Fire, Earth & Water, we are all interwoven, connected. I float on the surface. I expand. I am one with the source.

When I sit and go within, my world is at one and I am but a part of all earthly elements. The breath reminds me that I am wind, fire, water and earth. I am one with the creator. I am the light.

Caterina Pacialeo 2014



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